Reading experiences to fall in love with: we help publishers design meaningful experiences with and around books.
we transform the essence of books into code
The standards for turning books into digital products are pretty low. Mostly, readers are treated to books under glass. You deserve more.
A heart of silicone is beating behind each screen. It can empower us to aspire to more. Let’s build more useful, more magical reading experiences. Let’s capture the essence of books.
We identify the things that make a book both delightful and useful for a specific purpose. Then we pick them apart and reshape them to make them fit into a digital world. And we empower you to do the same. Not just for books, but for any form of reading experience.
from discovery to distribution
There is more to books than publishing. Reading is about discovery, fun, access, transportation and also about a business model to sustain those experiences. We think a lot about value chains and how they can provide ever better offerings to readers.
illustration: Sandra Barth
In the interactive element here we drafted a meeting space for digital literature. We conceptualized an interface that translates metadata into salient touch points for humans. All this to solve a riddle for readers: how do we find what we don’t know we are looking for?
With our experiments we provide innovative angles for our partners to answer their own pressing questions. We help them find new ways to create, distribute and utilize their content. Like making money with your books from people who don’t actually buy books.
We shape the relevant processes, develop the know-how and even build new business models in house. All in service of better reading experiences.
building a printing press for agnostic pixels
Digital books should be fun to read. They should also be a pleasure to create: turn digital texts into meaningful experiences at the push of a button.
We designed software to automagically add a bookish quality and a powerful interface to digital reading experiences. Find out more at
Text is an interface. We want to enhance it. We want digital books to help you read them. Digital text can be dynamic, can have multiple layers and affordances. That’s what we do.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam hendrerit nisi sed sollicitudin pellentesque. Nunc posuere purus rhoncus pulvinar aliquam. Ut aliquet tristique nisl vitae volutpat. Nulla aliquet porttitor venenatis. Donec a dui et dui fringilla consectetur id nec massa. Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed ut dui ut lacus dictum fermentum vel tincidunt neque. Sed sed lacinia lectus. Duis sit amet sodales felis. Duis nunc eros, mattis at dui ac, convallis semper risus. In adipiscing ultrices tellus, in suscipit massa vehicula eu.
not quite Cicero
unlock the magic *
*not an actual lock,
nor actual magic involved
Our experiments are meant for the public. We publish our proof-of-concepts, our research notes and papers to document our journey. Some of our experiments we spin up into products ourselves. Like our pixelcraft love letter and our publishing machine. Check back occasionally, visit our news section and sign up for our newsletter to find out when we have something new in store.
let’s start great things. together.
- Ask us, what we can do for you.
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We remember fondly how we fell in love. Back then, when we discovered reading and embraced it fully. How we discovered new worlds and got lost in them. We want to live the same experience in digital literature, share the wonder and amazement. That is why we created pixelcraftbooks.